Credit Spread Mentorship 10k Changes Your life!
5 Secrets Your Financial Guy Does Not Want You to Know!
Here is the problem with long term growth and stock investing:
- Buy and Hold does not work all the time. The market goes up, sideways, and down. Only when it goes up can stocks make money. Yet an experienced investor or trader can make money in sideways market or even a down market.
- 75% of a stocks value is related to the over all Market. The ability to pick a good stock in a down market is a myth. Stocks are directly related to the over all market. If that market is down in general, or the sector down, the stock is going to be down too.
- The market goes through kind of 7/8 year cycles, 6/7 up, and 1 down. The market has a “trend” a “pattern”. Years of uptrends, and the a down turn. The down turn, can wipe out all your gains from the previous several years.
- There are extend periods of time, of sideways action.
- Growth does not give you month cash flow.
- 4 out of 5 mutual fund managers cannot beat the S & P 500
Hey look there are good stockbrokers, and financial planners and bad ones. In fact, I went out and got my financial licenses, I became a Supervising Principle, just to learn about the stock market. What amazed me you do not talk about stock investing, when you get a license. No discussions about moving averages, indicators, seasonal trends, history of trades, strategies, or anything. Basically, you learn how to protect yourself, and what is appropriate investing for a 25 year old, a 40 year old and a 60 year old.
Then when you join a financial firm, the message is long term investing and mutual funds. After all the market for that last 100 years has gone up.
Only problem, it tends to go choppy, or sideways for about 22 years at a time. Guess where it looks we are right now? Now, think about that, if you have 200k or less in your retirement, and we are in the middle of a sideways market, and it does go side ways, for the next 10 years, you will have exactly the same amount of money. Is that a good plan? Is that going to let you retire in comfort? NO WAY. You have to take action today, for your future,.
10 Years of Growth or Pain?
Man if you are close to 50, you do not have a choice. You must make a change. You have to take control of your investing. Stop trusting the “paid commission” people with your money. They have no fringing idea what they are doing and are not in your corner
Let me give you an example. In 2008 most folks lost 30-50% of their investments in less than 1 year. The number one mutual fund manager reported by Morningstar (that rated funds), only lost 19%. That means every one else did poorer. Lost more money for clients. What scares the crap out of me, is there is a serious of technical indicators, out there that give hints as to what the market is dong. The number one indicator is the 200/50 moving average. The NUMBER 1 tool all technical analysis, and fund managers use to determine if the stock or market is up trending (bull), or down trending (bear) market. In late 2007 and the beginning of 2008, the 200/50 Day Moving average crossed at the top of the chart (see example below). Well what does that mean. A MAJOR downtrend. Stocks are likely to continue to go down for the next 6 months to 1 year.
They knew. They knew the market was crashing. Did you get a phone call? Did they say, look just wanted to let you the market is very week, there is high probability your account is going to get hit badly. Let us move to cash. Ok? No way. In fact when this was happening, I called my Mum up in Canada, and said, move your money out of the stock market to cash, annuity, or a fixed fund, or municipal fund. Anything that was not equities driven. Her bank manager (financial advisor) talked her out of it. Oh my God. She lost half her account. Called me 3 months later and said what should I do. I felt like saying sue that jerk.
They are not your friend. Plus they are not skilled at picking stocks. They listen to their internal company notices and recommendations. In fact mutual fund managers in general are not very good.
4 out 5 Cannot Beat the S&P 500
Four out of five mutual fund managers cannot beat the S & P 500 every year. That is kind of their bench mark by the way. They want to do better than that general market. They want to beat the S & P 500.
The S & P 500 is 500 USA stocks and are tracked to gauge the over all strength of the USA stock market. They are made up of major companies from all kinds of sectors (utility, retail, consumer).
Ok. So a question?. If 80 percent of them cannot beat the bench mark. Why not simply invest in the bench mark? You portfolio will do better than 80 of the mutual funds out there, and there is no major decision. You just buy the S & P (directly or ETF).
You know there are some simple strategies, that make a lot more sense than trusting a financial advisor. For example, for over 50 years, there has been a trend, that says, the best 6 months, are Nov 1 through April 30. The market tends to go up 7.4 percent during that time. Then for the balance of the year, the market goes sideways. No real growth. Well, if that is the case, whey not just invest in equity funds, in the good months?
In FACT A Monkey Can Do Better
Now if that fact hat 80 of them, cannot beat the S&P500, is not enough. Forbes, in 2010 showed some interesting statistics. They took a 100 monkeys, and had them through darts at stock newspapers, therefore building a portfolio, and stock list.
The monkeys did better than most financial experts. Now that is really scary.
Let me Help You Get on
the Right Path
Hi My name is Jim Francis. And I want to create a financial miracle in you life. To take you out of being a slave to the job. Being Just Over Broke. To having more money and free time than you ever imagined. Waking up every day like it was your day off, and deciding what to do today. Play, have fun, work, spend time the kids, a hobby, an adventure, travel, whatever you want, because your finances are looked after. You have money coming in each month. You don’t Have to work. You might choose to work, but do not have too. |
7% a month! & Time BACK
I cannot guarantee it! But it is highly likely (MATHMATICALLY).
In fact I could show you a back test of the last 10 years to prove that ROI number (and more). For a long time we were making 10-15% per MONTH, but markets do change over time.
Seven percent each month, is a GREAT rate of return.
And I am only talking about mastering 1 strategy. NOT dozens. You don’t even need to know how the market works. No discussions of fundamentals, Technical patterns or charts. Now as a bonus I often discuss them, but they are not necessary. I taught this system to my son at age 16, at age 20 he came to me and said “Dad, what am I doing”. I told him, “you are making money every month”. He said “ya but how”. I teach you the rules of how to trade this type of option, and what positions to take each month . You don’t really need to know how it works. It is kind of like driving a car. I teach you how to drive and rules of the road. You really don’t need to know how the car engine works. It is simple. And in 2 days I can show you how to make consistent cash flow.
We trade for about 30 minutes a month and if you have a fairly large account 100k, that means 7k a month in passive income. NO work. Just trade 30 minute and do what ever you want to do. What a great time saver. J Finally you can stop working so hard, and enjoy life. I can’t tell you how many people I have retired early, or made their retirement easier. There is big difference Making 7 Percent per Month in Spreads, vs 7% a year in stocks, mutual funds or an annuity.
Plus we win 9 out of 10 times. A very high probability system. Due to the way we trade, we win a lot. But only a small about. 7%. But over time that money compounds into a small fortune.
Discover How To Make Winning Trades
Introducing The Credit Spread System
It has two special volumes and an extremely valuable two day workshop. All of this, combined, will help you spend a few hours a month trading — in order for you get 6-8 percent returns per month on money invested. No guarantees but HIGLY probable. In fact most folks win 9 out of 10 times.
Inside this program, you will learn many helpful tactics, including:
- How to quickly and easily get started trading profitability
- Crowd psychology, trends and common traps to avoid
- How to best enter and exit your trades
- 7 basic rules of investing with credit spreads
- How to maximize your profits and minimize your losses
- Ways to flip credit spreads for even great profits
- Candle stick patterns and how to use them
- Examples of brokerage and positions to consider
- Understanding indicators that can help you invest better
- How to trade part time but make full time profits
- And much more!
In short, you’re going to learn how to consistently make more money trading.
And while most traders get slaughtered during times of volatility, many professional traders rake in millions of dollars on the way down and on the way up. I’m one of those people that get such results — all thanks to my basic understanding of the stock market, and my secrets to investing, which I share with you when you join.
In fact, in this training program of mine, you’ll be shown exactly what I do and how you can do the same. You’ll get to watch and listen as I explain my most unique strategies in detail, and I’ll show you the exact patterns and trends to look for when using my approach.
You’ll discover what to look for, why declines occur (this alone is worth the price of this training!) and the best way to profit from the inevitable rise in prices.
Stop guessing, hoping, and wishing for better days.
Learn how to put yourself in profitable situations instead!
I show you how to do just that — as I reveal everything in this course, including the precise strategies, that are considered “advanced” by most traders. Why, you ask? Because they’re only used by the top 5% of all traders in the world. These are people that understand and implement them to consistently make trading profits. Month after month after month.
The all-new Credit Spread System covers every aspect required to work up a successful life of trading. And it can be done with minimal effort as well. All your critical points will be addressed, including: trading plan, risk management, psychology tips, entries and exits, automation steps, back testing and system metrics and performance.
More importantly, I have simplified these advanced strategies and explained them in a way that any level of trader can immediately put to use!
So, if you’d like to stay in your comfort zone, and get little returns, then stick to what you’ve been doing. But if you’d like a better lifestyle, and want help on picking the right premium pay out based on risk, then join this program.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Buy it, apply it, and get maximum results.
Program 1: Credit Spread Self Study & Follow up Coaching
Includes the following:
- Smart Money Book (pdf). General stock education book, show concepts of basic fundamental and technical analysis.
- ATM Machine Book (pdf). Specific education about credits spread concept, and basic knowledge about options.
- Charting Book (pdf). Basic charting knowledge. Learn about support and resistance, trend lines, moving averages, and recognizable patterns (double tops, head and shoulders, flags and pennants).
- Candlestick Cheat sheets (pdf). 70 plus patterns that tell you what direction the market is likely to go, in the next minute, hour, day, week or month. Simple to understand pictures you can tap for cash and profit.
- Video: Getting Started. How to test up a test account, and brokerage account. Basics of the concept and strategy.
- Video Lesson 1: Introduction to Credit Spreads. Most folks need a crash course or reminders of terminology, and concepts.
- Video Lesson 2: Understanding Basic Options. Options have 8-10 times the leverage than buy stocks or even indexes. In this video you will learn what an option is all about.
- Video Lesson 3: Vertical Spreads. Vertical Options are a little different then regular options. Learn how to use them to make money even if the market goes up, down or sideways.
- Video Lesson 4: Contingency and Auto Buy Backs. We must protect our account. Contingencies and Auto Buy Backs save us money when the market goes against us.
- Video Lesson 5: Check list and Technical Analysis. A systematic review of trading spreads and the market.
- Video Lesson 6: Putting the System together. Taking the various elements, and putting them to work to earn 6-8 percent per month of money invested. With less than 2 hours invested a month too.
- Video Lesson 7: Managing an Account. How to plan for your cash flow, growth and speculation in the stock market.
5 Reminder Videos: So, next month, you know what to do (without having to go through the complete training videos again).
Systems: Best 6 Months to Invest, Covered Calls System, Warren Buffets approach to investing, the Canlsim method of Investing, Dogs of the Dow (combine with covered calls).
2 Besting Selling Wealth Books. Richest Man In Babylon & Think & Grow Rich. - Forms & Cheat Sheets: Tracking your trades, Master Checklist for Trading, Seasonal Patterns, FREE websites for Education, Wealth Affirmations, 10 Percent Solution and More.
- Members Only Web Site. Education, and a review of my monthly trades.
Normally this program sells for $1997.,
Buy Credit Spread System Self Study Program $997
Program 2: Credit Spread Program, 2 Days Trading, Coaching & 1 Year of Support
Our second program, is not for everyone. It the quickest way to ensure your trading starts this month and you do not make many mistakes. To be part of the program, you need to:
- Invest 3k in yourself. $2,997
- Take 2 days out of your busy schedule to potential never have to work again.
- Have 10-20 grand or more to invest. So, you get an immediate return on investment. You can start with less, but if you have more money, you get your investment back quicker.
Get on the path to wealth and financial prosperity with Credit Spread 2 Day Workshop, which includes the following:
- All the materials in Program 1. Videos, books, cheat sheets, and forms.
- 2 Days one on one in your city (coming to your city soon). Hands on training from Jim Francis, for you and significant other.
- We will trade 2 to 3 years of spread during the program, learning the right spots to take positions. Plus actual live trade, in the market as well.
- Members Only Web Site. Education, and a review of my monthly trades.
- 1 Year Support with a certified coach. You have access to my email.
Normally I sell this very HANDS on Program for $ 4,997. But I have a GREAT deal, you can get the self study, and 2 day workshop, with me, and 1 year of support for $ 2,997. NOW.
Change your life. GO TO